The Impact of Wearing Wigs on Natural Hair

The Impact of Wearing Wigs on Natural Hair

1. Is it possible to wear a wig daily without causing damage to your natural hair?

Many wig wearers are concerned that by wearing wigs, they can cause damage to their natural hair. So, is it possible to wear a wig every day without causing damage to your natural hair? If your wig is fitted properly and you take care of your hair underneath your wig, then wearing a wig every day is an effective way to give your hair a break. In some cases, wearing a wig can actually help your natural hair grow! Wearing wigs that are made from natural hair, have a net base, and the placement of hair is ventilated means that your scalp will be able to breathe as the air can still get to your scalp. This means that your natural hair will be able to receive air and grow, as opposed to hair that is tucked away under a wig that doesn’t have ventilation. Wigs made from natural hair that are fitted well will also not cause your hair to break in the areas where it’s secured. Wigs can also be a great protective style for hair that is very damaged. If you want to go about wearing a wig to aid hair growth and protect your natural hair, then it’s important to ensure that you take good care of your hair and scalp underneath. This includes regularly washing and clarifying your hair and scalp to prevent any dirt and bacteria from getting trapped. Dry shampoo is also good to use as it will help to soak up any oils on your scalp, which can seep into your wig. Another method of maintaining the health of your hair is to ensure that you oil and moisturize your hair regularly. Oils such as jojoba and rosemary are great for maintaining scalp health and will help to keep your hair soft and supple. If you feel or know that your hair is shedding or breaking a lot, it’s advised to ask your GP or a hair specialist. An unhealthy scalp and hair that sheds a lot may be a sign of an underlying illness or deficiency.

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2. Benefits of Wearing Wigs

Beginning of the positive effect of wigs and its influence on the social and mental well-being of a person. Wigs provide a great alternative to harmful chemical hair-straightening products, such as relaxers. In a study conducted at a hospital on 150 black women and their experience with hair-straightening chemicals and hair maintenance, 90% admitted they were not sure how to properly maintain their hair after using the product. This study was concluded after a large amount of these women’s damaged hair has either fallen or broken off due to improper maintenance of hair after chemical hair straightening product usage. Following the use of wigs as a protective hairstyle, these women were taught how to properly maintain natural hair using less damaging chemicals. Wigs also play a great role in boosting patients’ mood and affecting their emotional health. One study in particular on cancer patients discovered that over 50% of female patients reported losing their hair as the single most traumatic aspect of chemotherapy. Many ladies feel that their hair is their crowning joy, losing it would feel like losing feminine identity. Hair loss can play a significant role in self-esteem and body image for cancer patients. Wigs provide an aesthetically pleasing barrier from the patients’ balding or hair loss, giving a huge potential impact on self-esteem, which may affect a stronger battle against their condition.

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3. The Impact of Wearing Wigs on Natural Hair Health

On the other hand, non-shaven-headed wig wearers are an entirely different story. Patients undergoing chemotherapy and other conditions that bring sudden hair loss won’t always have the opportunity to shave their heads in preparation for wigs, and fashion-conscious wig wearers will often avoid it. Various forms of bonding agents between wigs and unsuitable hair have led to many cases of severe hair damage. This can involve any degree of hair breakage, to patterned or widespread hair loss known as traction alopecia, which can sometimes be permanent. The damage varies depending on the duration of wig-wearing and original hair condition, but it is always to be avoided. But even for those who choose acceptable wig adhesive methods, the more comprehensive problem is neglect and lack of hair upkeep during extended wig periods. This is usually because wig wearers feel that since their head is covered, there is no need to tend to the hair underneath.

Wigs are a useful tool for women experiencing hair loss, but how does wig-wearing really affect the health of hair underneath? Wig hair generally helps protect the growth of natural hair, which is an improvement over weaves or braids. There may be minor issues with wig-induced dry skin and other scalp infections simply due to wig-related heat and moisture, which can be countered by regular wig and scalp cleaning. As long as the wig is not secured tightly to the head and the scalp is given occasional fresh air, wig-wearing can be a healthy choice for these women. This may be reduced further still if the time period of wig-wearing is occasional rather than perpetual. The point of wig-wearing is to put the wig on until natural hair is grown back or a more permanent solution to hair loss is found. If growth of remaining hair needs to be monitored, wig transparency to the scalp can act as a mild interference. But in terms of mechanical damage and hair stress, this is an ideal option.

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4. Tips for Protecting Natural Hair while Wearing Wigs

There are several ways in which women can still wear wigs as a protective style without risking damage to their real hair. The first tip is to always make sure your hair and scalp are clean before putting on a wig. This will reduce the chance of dandruff and itchy scalp, which can be caused by product build-up and/or sweat trapped beneath the wig. It is best to apply your daily moisturizer or oil to your hair and scalp and then follow up with a light application of gel to your hair. These products will keep your hair moisturized beneath the wig and help the wig to “stick” closely to the hair. Without any product on your hair, wigs can move around and the friction between the wig and hair can cause hair breakage. But be careful with products because too much product can result in product build-up, which will lead to a dirty wig. Avoid gels that contain alcohol because they will dry out the hair. Secondly, women should avoid styles that require tension or tightness. For example, braids done too tightly can stress the hair at the root and cause hair loss. Wigs with a too-tight grip or small hair combs can also cause undue stress on the hair. The easiest way to avoid this is to look for wigs that fit properly. With one’s natural hair plaited in flat cornrows, a wig cap should be used as a barrier between the wig and hair. A correctly fitting wig will not move, even without combs, and will cause minimal stress to the hair.

5. Conclusion

Hammonds and Hall have noted the importance of hair to an African American. Hair has functioned as a highly visible symbol of one’s identity, not just for African American individuals, but for the entire race.


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