Explore the journey of beauty!

Explore the journey of beauty

1. Aili’s Inferiority and Insecurity

Aili stood in front of the mirror, her gaze fixed on her ordinary face. Her eyes were indeed not big enough, and her double eyelids were not obvious, always revealing a hint of timidity in her eyes. She slightly frowned and carefully examined her nose, feeling that it was not tall enough, and the nostrils seemed a little wide. She gently stroked her cheek with her hand, and the skin seemed a little rough, with some faint spots scattered here and there. These flaws in appearance made her feel extremely frustrated.

She silently lowered her head and looked at her slightly thin figure, with not broad enough shoulders and not tall enough build. She felt that she was so small and insignificant in the crowd, as if she could be drowned in the sea of people at any time. When walking on the street, she always lowered her head, dared not look at others directly, fearing to see disappointment or contempt in their eyes. She felt like an ugly duckling, never able to become a beautiful white swan.

This deep sense of inferiority was like a heavy stone pressing on her heart, making it hard for her to breathe. She enclosed herself in a small world, enduring the pain in her heart alone. She was unwilling to participate in social activities or dare to try new things, because she felt that she was not good enough to deserve those beautiful things. She lived a monotonous and dull life every day, as if there was no hope left in her life.


· Everyone has their own unique charm and value. Don’t overly emphasize the shortcomings in appearance and ignore the inner beauty.
· Avoid excessive comparison with others to avoid unnecessary feelings of inferiority.
· Cultivate a positive mindset, focus on your own strengths and progress, and learn to accept yourself.

Common Problems:

· I feel ugly, what should I do?
· I am always dissatisfied with my appearance, how to change this mindset?
· Why do I always feel unconfident in the crowd?


· Step 1: Recognize that everyone has their own beauty, learn to appreciate your unique qualities. You can list your own strengths and advantages to remind yourself not to focus too much on the shortcomings in appearance.
· Step 2: Stop unnecessary comparisons with others. Everyone has their own characteristics and advantages. Focus on your own growth and progress instead of competing with others.
· Step 3: Cultivate positive self-talk. When negative thoughts arise, learn to encourage yourself with positive words, such as “I am unique” and “I have my own charm”.
· Step 4: Focus on the cultivation of inner qualities. Improve your inner qualities through learning, reading, exercising, etc., to make yourself more connotative and confident.


2. The Curiosity and Anticipation of First Time Trying Makeup

One day, Aili saw an article about makeup in a magazine, and those exquisite makeup looks caught her eyes. She was attracted by those colorful cosmetics, and a hint of curiosity and anticipation welled up in her heart. She cautiously walked into a cosmetics store, where various scents of perfume and cosmetics filled the air, making her feel a little excited. The salesperson enthusiastically introduced various products to her, and she gathered her courage to pick up a lipstick and gently applied it to her lips.

She looked at herself in the mirror with the lipstick on, feeling a little strange, but at the same time experiencing an unprecedented excitement. That bright red made her lips look fuller and more alluring, and she couldn’t help but slightly raise the corner of her mouth, revealing a shy smile. From that day on, she began to try to apply makeup on herself, and every attempt was like a small adventure, filling her with anticipation. She would search for various makeup tutorials online and seriously study every technique.

She gradually learned how to prime her skin to make her complexion look more even; she learned how to shape her eyebrows to make them look more neat and styled; she learned how to apply eye shadow to make her eyes look deeper and more charming. Every step made her feel novel and interesting, as if she had opened a door to a new world and seen a brand new self. She began to buy various cosmetics and constantly try new makeup looks, enjoying the fun and satisfaction that makeup brought her.


· Choose cosmetics that suit your skin type and complexion, and avoid using allergic or unsuitable products.
· Do a good job of skin cleaning and care before applying makeup to ensure good skin condition.
· Don’t overly rely on makeup, maintain a natural makeup style, and avoid giving people a false impression.

Common Problems:

· I’m a beginner in makeup. Where should I start learning?
· How to choose cosmetics that suit me?
· How to maintain the health of the skin after applying makeup?


· Step 1: Understand your own skin type and complexion, and choose suitable cosmetics. You can consult the beauty consultant at the counter or do some research online to understand the characteristics of different brands and products.
· Step 2: Learn basic makeup techniques. You can learn the basic steps such as priming, shaping eyebrows, and applying eye shadow by watching makeup tutorials, attending makeup classes, or asking experienced friends for advice.
· Step 3: Do a good job of skin care. Before applying makeup, ensure that the skin is clean and use skin care products suitable for your skin type for moisturizing and nourishing.
· Step 4: Choose a natural makeup style. Avoid over-applying cosmetics, maintain a fresh and natural makeup style, making people look more comfortable and confident.
· Step 5: Pay attention to removing makeup and cleaning. Be sure to completely remove makeup at night, keep the skin clean and breathable, and avoid damage to the skin caused by cosmetic residue.


3. The Enhancement of Makeup Skills and the Sprouting of Confidence

Over time, Aili gradually mastered some basic makeup techniques. She began to be able to skillfully apply various cosmetics to create more exquisite makeup looks. She would choose different makeup styles according to different occasions and moods. In daily life, she likes to apply some natural and fresh makeup, making herself look more kind and lovely; when participating in important events, she would apply some more gorgeous and dazzling makeup, making herself the focus of everyone’s attention.

She spends a long time in front of the mirror every day, carefully dressing herself up. Looking at the increasingly refined self in the mirror, the confidence in her heart is also gradually sprouting. She is no longer as she used to always lower her head and dare not look at others directly, but dares to raise her head and bravely face the eyes of others. She discovers that makeup is not only an external modification, but also a way to enhance confidence. Through makeup, she can show her best side and make herself more beautiful and confident.

She begins to participate in some social activities and actively communicate and interact with others. She finds that people’s attitudes towards her have changed greatly, no longer the indifference and neglect as before, but full of appreciation and praise. These praises and encouragements make her more determined in her confidence, and she believes that she must be able to become more excellent and beautiful. She is no longer the self-abased Aili, but a woman full of confidence and charm.


· Keep practicing and trying new makeup techniques to improve your makeup level.
· Pay attention to the overall coordination of the makeup look, avoiding overly exaggerated or uncoordinated makeup.
· Maintain good makeup habits, remove makeup in time, and clean the skin.

Common Problems:

· How to apply a natural and fresh makeup look?
· How to maintain the durability of the makeup look after applying makeup?
· How to choose a suitable makeup look according to your face shape?


· Step 1: Learn new makeup techniques. You can continuously improve your makeup skills by watching video tutorials, reading makeup books or attending professional makeup courses.
· Step 2: Focus on the coordination of the makeup look. When applying makeup, consider the overall effect, ensuring that the colors of eye shadow, blush, and lipstick match each other, avoiding overly abrupt or uncoordinated makeup.
· Step 3: Maintain good makeup habits. Remove makeup in time, use mild makeup remover products, and thoroughly clean the skin to avoid damage to the skin caused by makeup residue.
· Step 4: Choose a suitable makeup look according to your face shape. Different face shapes are suitable for different eyebrow shapes, blush, and contouring methods. You can find the most suitable makeup look through learning and practice.
· Step 5: Use setting products. After completing the makeup, you can use setting sprays or loose powder to extend the durability of the makeup look and reduce the situation of makeup fading.


4. The Novel Experience of Touching Wigs

By chance, Aili came across a wig store. Those various wigs displayed in the shop window caught her eye, and she couldn’t help but walk into the store to find out. When she walked into the store, a strong chemical smell hit her nostrils, making her feel a little uncomfortable. But her curiosity soon overcame the discomfort, and she began to observe those wigs carefully.

She saw a long curly wig, whose hair hung down on her shoulders like waves, shining with charming luster. She couldn’t help but pick up that wig and put it on her head. When she saw herself in the mirror, a novel feeling welled up in her heart. That wig instantly turned her into a charming woman, and her face looked even more soft and charming against the curly hair. She tried several different styles of wigs, and each one brought her a different feeling.

Some wigs made her appear gentle and graceful, like a blooming lily; some made her appear fashionable and avant-garde, as if at the forefront of fashion. During this process, she experienced a kind of unprecedented freedom and change, allowing her to switch different images at any time. She began to imagine herself wearing different wigs and appearing in different occasions, showing different styles. This feeling made her feel excited and thrilled, as if she had found a brand new self.

However, while enjoying the changes brought about by the wigs, Aili also began to worry. She was afraid that others would discover that she was wearing a wig and would cast strange glances at her. She felt as if she was disguising herself, and this feeling made her inner struggle very intense. She didn’t know whether what she was doing was right or wrong, and whether she should continue to persevere. Sometimes, she would feel that she was hypocritical, clearly not being the real herself, yet deliberately dressing up. But on the other hand, she also enjoyed the feeling brought about by this change, feeling that she had become more beautiful and confident.


· Choose high-quality and realistic wigs, and avoid using overly cheap or poor-quality products.
· Pay attention to the care and maintenance of wigs to extend their service life.
· When wearing a wig, pay attention to fixing it well to avoid falling off during activities.

Common Problems:

· Will wearing a wig cause harm to the scalp?
· How to choose the right wig color and length for yourself?
· What are the methods of wearing a wig?


· Step 1: Choose a high-quality wig. You can choose human hair or high-quality synthetic hair to ensure that the texture of the wig is soft, smooth, and the color is natural.
· Step 2: Choose the right wig color and length according to your skin tone and hairstyle. You can refer to the color chart of the wigs and try them on to find the most suitable style for yourself.
· Step 3: Learn the method of wearing a wig. You can use a hairnet, hairpin or other fixing tools to ensure that the wig is firmly worn on the head and will not fall off or shift.
· Step 4: Pay attention to the care of the wigs. Wash the wigs regularly, use special shampoo and conditioner, avoid direct sunlight and high temperature, and maintain the cleanliness and luster of the wigs.
· Step 5: Gradually adapt to the wearing of wigs. It may feel a little uncomfortable when wearing a wig for the first time, and you need to gradually adapt to find the most suitable wearing method and feeling for yourself.


5. The Style Changes and Inner Struggles Brought by Wigs

Ellie started to change wigs frequently, and each time it brought her different experiences and feelings. Sometimes, she would wear a black shoulder-length short wig, making herself look capable and neat; sometimes, she would wear a golden long straight wig, making herself look elegant and charming. She would choose different wig styles according to her mood and needs. In this process, she also encountered many difficulties and challenges.

Sometimes, she would find that the wig she chose didn’t suit her or didn’t coordinate with her outfit. This made her feel a little embarrassed and lost, and she began to doubt her aesthetic and choice ability. Sometimes, she would feel that her wig was too conspicuous, easily attracting the attention and comments of others. This made her feel a little uneasy and worried, fearing that others would point fingers at her and say that she was deliberately showing off and being artificial.

These inner struggles made Ellie feel painful and confused. She didn’t know how to choose and where to go. She both wanted to continue to enjoy the changes and fun brought by the wigs and was afraid of the eyes and evaluations of others. She felt as if she was trapped in a dilemma and couldn’t extricate herself. She began to think about what she really wanted, whether it was the recognition and praise of others or the satisfaction and happiness in her own heart. After some thinking and struggling, she finally understood a truth: only by doing what you really like can you truly obtain happiness and satisfaction.


· Don’t pursue perfection too much, accept your own imperfections, and be yourself.
· Respect the opinions and views of others, but don’t care too much about others’ evaluations.
· Keep a positive attitude and bravely face challenges and difficulties.

Common Problems:

· I always care too much about what others think, what should I do?
· How to find a balance between pursuing self and the recognition of others?
· How to achieve true confidence?


· Step 1: Realize that everyone has their own opinions and evaluations, and don’t care too much about others’ opinions. What matters is your own feelings and happiness.
· Step 2: Learn to distinguish between constructive opinions of others and meaningless criticism. For valuable suggestions, you can consider accepting and improving; for meaningless criticism, learn to ignore it.
· Step 3: Insist on doing what you like, pursue your dreams and goals. Don’t give up your love because of others’ opinions.
· Step 4: Cultivate positive self-awareness. Focus on your own advantages and strengths, believe in your own abilities and values, and don’t overly self-deny.
· Step 5: Be with those who support and understand you. Build good relationships with those who can give encouragement and support, and their existence will make you more confident and firm.


6. The Process and Breakthrough of Learning Fashion Matching

In order to make her overall image more perfect, Ellie started to learn fashion matching. She purchased various fashion magazines and studied the fashion matching skills on them. She would carefully observe the combination of each set of clothing and learn how to choose the right colors and styles for herself. She started to try from the most basic items and gradually mastered some matching skills. She would choose different clothing combinations according to different occasions and moods.

In the process of learning fashion matching, Ellie also encountered many difficulties and challenges. Sometimes, she would find that the clothes she chose did not suit her or were not in line with her figure and temperament. This made her feel a little embarrassed and disappointed, and she began to doubt her aesthetic and selection ability. Sometimes, she would feel that her combination was too fancy, easily attracting the attention and discussion of others. This made her feel a little uneasy and worried, fearing that others would point fingers at her and say that she was deliberately showing off and being artificial.

But Ellie did not give up. She kept trying and improving. She began to pay attention to the works of some fashion bloggers and fashionistas, learning their fashion matching concepts and skills. She would imitate their combinations and then adjust and improve according to her actual situation. Slowly, her level of fashion matching has greatly improved, and each combination can show her unique charm.

From casual jeans and T-shirts to formal dresses and suit jackets, she can handle them all easily. She would choose different clothing combinations according to different seasons and weather. In summer, she would choose some light and breathable clothing to make herself feel cool and comfortable; in winter, she would choose some thick and warm clothing to make herself feel warm and safe. Her fashion matching is no longer a simple imitation and following the trend, but has its own style and characteristics.


· Fashion matching should suit one’s age, figure, and occupation, and avoid blindly following the trend.
· Pay attention to the quality and material of clothing, and choose comfortable and suitable clothing for yourself.
· Do not overly focus on the external image, and the internal temperament and cultivation are equally important.

Common Problems:

· I’m not very good at matching clothes. Is there any simple method?
· How to choose suitable clothing according to one’s figure?
· What are the skills for color matching in fashion matching?


· Step 1: Understand your own figure and style. Through trying on different clothes, find the right style and cut for yourself, highlight your strengths and cover up your shortcomings.
· Step 2: Learn basic color matching knowledge. Understand the matching effects of different colors, such as contrasting colors and similar colors, and how to choose the right colors according to your skin tone.
· Step 3: Refer to fashion magazines and bloggers’ fashion matching. Pay attention to some fashion bloggers or magazines similar to your style, learn their matching skills and inspiration.
· Step 4: Have the courage to try and innovate. Don’t be afraid to try new combinations and styles, and through continuous practice, find the most suitable way of fashion matching for yourself.
· Step 5: Pay attention to details and accessories. When matching clothing, pay attention to the handling of details, such as collars, cuffs, belts, etc., and choose suitable accessories to enhance the overall look.


7. Ellie’s Beautiful Transformation and Confident Blooming

After a series of changes, Ellie has finally transformed from an ordinary girl into a fashionable beauty. She is no longer the self-deprecating Ellie, but walks confidently in the crowd, attracting the attention of everyone. Her makeup is exquisite, her wig is appropriately matched, and her clothing truly showcases her personality and style. She no longer fears the eyes of others, but actively communicates and interacts with others.

She discovers that her change is not only external, but also internal. She has become more strong, confident, and independent, no longer relying on the recognition and affirmation of others. She finally realizes that beauty can be created through her own efforts, and as long as she has the courage to try, she can discover a brand new self. Her beautiful transformation has made her a role model for those around her, inspiring them to pursue their own dreams and beauty as well.


· Maintain a good mindset and don’t become arrogant or complacent because of your external changes.
· Continue to strive to improve your inner cultivation and quality to make beauty more lasting.
· Help and encourage those around you to pursue beauty and confidence together.

Common Problems:

· How to maintain a beautiful state?
· What impact does beauty have on life and work?
· How to pass on the confidence of beauty to others?


· Step 1: Maintain a positive mindset. No matter how your appearance changes, remain calm and confident inside, not arrogant or impetuous, and continue to strive to improve yourself.
· Step 2: Focus on the improvement of inner cultivation. Enrich your inner self through reading, learning, traveling, and other means, and cultivate good morals and qualities.
· Step 3: Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eat a balanced diet and engage in regular exercise to keep your body and mind healthy.

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